Why m1 chip is faster than AMD or Intel ? M1 chip explained


When we think any processor there is two mainly brands comes in our mind and that Intel and AMD ( Advanced micro devices ) but Apple has made there own processor called as Apple M1 and when it was launched Apple has claimed that it was fastest laptop processor in the market and you know what it was true . So now we will find out answer for our question " Why M1 is fast than any other laptops ?" .

According some benchmark and some users the Apple M1 is way faster and we know that but how fast actually is ? Let's find out if we compare 1500 to 1600 $ i mac with 2549 $ i mac 5k we some shocking results because M1 performance a lot more better than any Intel processor . 

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To understand "why m1 is faster ?" we need to find what is CPU  ( central processing unit ) or micro processor . For that we need to break down CPU . CPU number of memory cells called registers and number of computation units called Arithmetic Logic units called ALU . The ALU perform Arithmetic operations that we see in CPU like addition , subtraction , division , multiplication and Logic operations [ or /and ] . The ALU are attached to Registers . Let's understand with example if you give the command you you CPU that you have to add 100 + 400 , firstly it stored in Ram ( Random access Memory ) and then it is installed to Registers , only now CPU perform add operations and you get your result . 

Why m1 is faster ?

Firstly and importantly M1 is not a CPU . Generally a computer has multiple chips each with multiple tasks . But M1 brings it to one . 
The M1 has a CPU but it also contain computer's Gpu , memory and a lot more . 

This means all needs of processing in computer is done by the this chip . In the industry this is known as "system on a chip" . But wait you may ask " what does it actually do by adding all the Gpu , CPU, memory and a lot more in one chip ? " It reduces the power efficiency of a computer.  The M1 has a CPU and GPU and a lot more .

Things which are in m1

 In addition to this M1 has a lot more things in it so let's find out . It has a image processing unit or ISP , this is one of interesting thing about m1 , it improves image processing power of m1 drastically and this the reason why it was processing image so faster . We also neural processing unit which is used in higher end smartphones to accelerate the processing of A.I. and machine learning in smartphones , but for now it was also included in m1 Macs . It has a video encoder and decoder which handles powerful combustion on video files to different format . It also has secure enclave which handle encryption , authentication and other security tasks . And finally a unified memory system which allows CPU , Gpu to exchange information faster . 

Unified memory

The last thing unified memory this is one of the key points why m1 perform so we'll ? But it is little bit difficult consept . Cheaper computers has integrated CPUs and Gpus and this a lot more slow . In order to needs it to work memory need to be partitioned , that CPU and GPU uses there own memory  and they cannot takes each other data .  That means it the CPU want Gpu to process some data the CPU have to copy the data in Gpu memory to process the data and that a lot slower process . This is because CPU want to receive data quickly but in low amount but Gpu want to receives data slowly but in large amount . That's why implementing Gpu in CPU is not a good idea . In Apple's m1 there is no separate memory for CPU and GPU , apple use unified memory artecture where the bot CPU and GPU don't a separate memory , they both use the same memory where no copy in needed .


The m1 chip also uses Arm instruction set , this allows chip to produce less heat which allows Gpu to have higher heat budget than placed on the same chip . The Intel and AMD uses x86 instruction set . This artecture is probably the reason why m1 chip is fast but not the whole reason . 
In addition to this M1 also has a general purpose CPU called "fire storm" . In order to make general purpose  CPU faster you can do two things . You can make either them to perform more operation sequence faster or you can make them to perform tasks in parallel . The m1's fire storm CPU perform parallel. That's why it is faster. 

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