Apple Full story and Steve Jobs full biography .


iPhone many people love this phone and some people buy this to show off . But people love and you can imagine that whenever new iPhone launched the people stand in line to buy this iPhone . Some people use it for daily purpose and some for to show off . The reason behind this is that it's reliability . We fine some of the best  engineering and cool design in I phone and do you know who is behind this , it's our one and only Steve Jobs . We know about iPhones, I pad , Macs and other products from Apple but do you know Steve Jobs has faced many problem in his own life to make it possible . So let's find how Apple was started and the story of Steve Jobs . 

Steve Jobs introduction

The full name of Steve Jobs is Steve Paul Jobs . He born in 24 February 1955 at San Francisco , California , United States of America. 

Steve's mom was an unmaried women so she need to give to  adoption to another parents . The couple who has been chosen to adopt Steve they are very rich but they have adopted another girl child . Then the Steve was adopted by Paul and Clara . 

Mother of Steve's want that the parents who adopt Steve they should be graduated , but Clara was an accountant and Paul was a mechanic and they have not completed their college , but they have promised to  Steve's mother that they will not lack in any thing for Steve .                                                     Now in 1961 Steve has shifted with his new family to California mountain view . Now the study journey of Steve starts from here . The father of Steve Jobs , Paul has opened here garage to full fill the need of his family . Steve Jobs has started molestation with electronic and his interest in electronic is growing day by day . Steve Jobs was intelligent but naughty as well . Because of his intelligent mind teachers were promoting him to higher classes but Steve's parents were not agree with this . At the age of 13 years he has friendship with Steve Wozniak and same as Steve Jobs Wozniak was also intelligent and interested in electronic . After completing high school study Steve has take admission in  Reed college but fees of that college was very high and the parents of Steve were difficultly running their expenses . Later Steve has realized that was not interested in study and fees of college was very high and because of this Steve didn't feel that the college was important . So after six months of joining college he drop out the college . Then he has joined calligraphy classes and this the reason why we find many font's in our computer or mobile . This time Steve doesn't have money so he sleeps on his friends house floor . Then he has started selling coca cola bottles and the money which he earn he just eat his food by this money . Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak again become a good friend and decided to make a computer and they have made the computer in Steve's garage and named it as Apple . Apple computer was made as a small , affordable and functional . People loved their technology and by this they have earned many doller . In ten years apple become a big brand . But Apple 3 and Liza was promoted company has faced many losses and because of this Steve has been fired from company  in 17 September 1985 by the board of directors . But Steve never stopped he has started new company and named it as Next , it's first product was high and personal but it was not doing so good because Apple as covered the whole market , but latter Steve has decided to convert it in a software company , and because of this company because profitable and then Steve has acquired a graphics company and named it as Pixar . Now Apple was in loss so apple has acquired Next and Steve Jobs become CEO of Apple again . At that the Apple was making 250 products but Steve has decreased it's amount to 10 and focused only on this products because Steve thinks that quality of product matter than quantity . The iPhone, iPad and Mac become revolution in electronic field . But Steve knows that he can die any time and everyday he do all works of his life which he wants , but one day came to know that he has pancreatic cancer for this his operation was also done . On 5 October 2011 Steve Jobs died . 

Thank you for reading