Gtx Vs Rtx Series graphics card . Which one you should choose . Read more ......

So you are going to buy a new Nvidia Graphics card , but the question is which series graphics card you have to buy , Gtx or Rtx . Nvidia is consistent as Microsoft as numbering their products . So let's compare both Gtx and Rtx series graphics card and find out which one is suitable for your need . 

Introduction to Gtx and Rtx

All the Nvidia Gpu ( Graphics processing unit) are belong to their GeForce brand and this brand was  established way back in 1989 . The GeForce 30 series is made up of Rtx graphics card and GeForce 16 series is made up of Gtx graphics card . The Rtx was brand new graphics card line up from Nvidia while Gtx series is use in older line up as well . 

What is Rtx ? 

In Rtx series there was a new technology was introduced which is ray tracing . This not a new technology graphics designer use this technology to animate movies . But previously it is only possible in big computers and big computers means actually big computers . But now Nvidia has given this technology in their Rtx Gpus .     

Real world performance comparison

   But may people don't care about this  technical terms , they care about the actual real world performance . So now I will tell you how better is Rtx that gtx .

For the actual real world performance we have use UserBenchmark . 

Credit : UserBenchmark

Credit : UserBenchmark

So as you have seen the Rtx series performance a lot more better than Gtx series . 


So the conclusion is very simple if you have high budget go with Rtx series graphics cards .

Thanks for reading