Advantages of Using Linux , Reason why should you use Linux


Linux is free and open source , comes with a lot of software , everything is free and compatible with lot's of different low end hardware and even doesn't require any anti viruses . You can see this reason in every blog or youtube video but this reason are not enough to convince you to use Linux . 

Importance of free and open source Operating system

Let's just go back to little bit different time when you see Mac or Windows for the first time . You might be wondering that on Windows you have c drive and on Mac you just have application folder having one icon , so where are all the files go . Why they look drastically different . It might be a same hardware , you might have installed windows on MacBook . And same thing goes here when you use a pen drive on Windows it doesn't work on Mac . If you break down this thing's you see some words like format is different , windows use different and Mac use different format . 

This all queriocity will solved  when you jump on Linux . And how you get to know this ? You will know this thing's when you just jump on Linux because Linux is just open source operating system . And a lot of you might be thinking hey we are web developer , App developer we don't need to know all this thing's but you are in IT field you must have to know this thing's . Let's just suppose that there is a website there is a file permission and don't know about file format and an all that stuff . obviously you will find many answer on stack overflow but that's not the point , the point is how well you are understanding your Operating system . 

Improvement in problem solving skills

Another thing that is problem solving skills . Now if you are true coder or  passionate about IT ( Information technology ) you should understand one thing there were never ever smooth any thing  weather we are desing a website or any application , you may be stuck on to a problem for quite a long time . That's how it happens . Now whenever you use Linux there are lots of problem  like many software are not compatible with Linux . Some times you didn't connected with your wifi easily . Now this problem solving skills give you a lot of boost . 

Who use Linux 

Now mainly two types of people switch to Linux . They found ubantu more attractive or may be sant os was already installed on their school or second reason is to get started in information security and they found many information security tools . If you get started with Linux is is great thing no matter you are coming from information security industry . 

Getting started with Linux 

Now let me just give quick tip about getting started with Linux . If you attracting with Linux don't switch yet because you face a lot of problems which are frustrating . So what should you do you should install a virtual box which is gone to install Linux like a software like Photoshop and you can start learning from there . 

Thanks for reading .