Why do Red iPhones say 'Product' On The Back?

 iPhones come in a variety of colors, but only the red models say the word ‘product’ on the back. 

This is due to a charity partnership Apple has that began back in 2006. The organization is called Product Red, cofounded by the singer Bono and activist Bobby Shriver. Their goal is to help eliminate HIV/AIDS in eight African countries by raising funds from the private sector. Companies can partner with Product Red by donating a portion of profits, from sales of certain products. 

In Apple’s case, they kicked off their partnership with the iPod nano in 2006. The red version was the only model eligible, so it featured the Product Red logo on the back. Apple donated $10 for each one sold, although they no longer share those numbers with the public today. So if you do buy a Product Red iPhone, we don’t know how much is being donated from your purchase. 

But since the partnership began in 2006, Apple has donated over 270 million dollars. Now despite the iPhone is Apple’s most popular Product Red item, it isn’t the only one. There are iPhone cases that have the Product Red logo inside, a red Apple Watch that has the logo on the band, red iPod touch, red beats headphones, and a red Beats portable speaker. And while the Product Red logo may not be important for Apple to include, it is important for the charity. 

The reason why I’m even making this video is that enough Apple users wondered why their iPhone says the word Product on the back. Leading people to search for an answer, and discover the Product Red organization. 

Increasing brand awareness without spending money on television ads or billboard space. Not to mention that Apple is donating to the organization while also featuring its logo. So what exactly is in it for Apple? Well, they not only receive some positive PR for donating money to a good cause, but they’re also giving customers a reason to buy their product again. 

If someone was proud to purchase a Product Red iPhone, they’re less likely to buy from Samsung or Google who doesn’t partner with the charity.