1month with new Airpopds 3

I've been using the AirPods 3 for over a month now so today I'm going to talk about everything that I discovered along with why I stopped using my AirPods pro and instead started using the AirPods 3. who would have thought that when apple dared to remove the headphone jack in 2016 and right away gave us a solution to the problems they created that AirPods would become a massive company ranking in the top 30 beating out both Nvidia and AMD's revenue combined and almost reaching tesla's in 2020. people hated the idea of spending 159 dollars for wireless earbuds but here we are years later and that price seems like a bargain with the new AirPods 3 coming in at 180 bucks not far off from what you can buy AirPods pro for this made it a really hard sell when we first tested them but thankfully a month later you can now pick him up for 150 bucks. so after all of my testing are the AirPods 3 worth spending 150 bucks on.

 Let's talk about comfort these things are extremely comfortable even for somebody like me that doesn't have any issues with the airpods pro i know some people do some people just don't like that sealed design and some people simply can't use them which is why the air pods original have been still very popular now compared to those air pods these do have a larger design i feel like they fit more snugly into my ears but they are not uncomfortable for me for a select few people they might be a little bit too large but in general these things fit very nicely they do not move and i think it is a much upgraded design and because they don't seal into your ear you get none of that plugged feeling which is very very minimal on the pros because of the vent that it has but for this you just simply don't need it and you don't have to use the ambient mode or any software to be able to hear your environment everything just leaks in now there are two things that most people don't talk about when they're reviewing the airpods 3 that are exclusive to these new earpods the first one is a skin sensor that replaces the optical sensor and this is great because if you ever throw your air pods into your pocket they won't automatically turn on like the previous air pods and the next one is the precision finding in the app people lose airpods all the time and with this feature it can actually guide you to your ear pods just like if it had an air tag even if they're in their case which makes it a lot more difficult to lose them compared to airpods pro

Now as far as battery life these are also incredible and a really big step up from the AirPods to I was getting about seven hours with just the buds themselves and I thought that was a little bit too high but I started doing some research online and that is what people are getting consistently so that's about a 50 boost compared to the AirPods too and then with the case that adds four full charges and that gives you roughly 35 hours of battery life which is amazing compared to most of their competitors.

Now probably the biggest issue with the AirPods 3 is the sound leakage these things get quite loud and the open design leaks a ton of sound I was sitting in the room and I had him up like maybe two-thirds of the way and redeem two computer stations down could hear all my music so if that's something that matters to you take note that is something that is greatly minimized with the pros or other earbuds so if you're going to turn these up and you're in a quiet room everybody's going to hear what you're listening to and that open design without anything that goes into your ear canal is probably one of the biggest selling points and most of the competitors they don't offer that almost everybody makes earbuds that seal with a silicone tip so Apple is making sure that they're still making this design for the people that love it and overall I get to say that I could wear these for about two hours longer than I can with the AirPods pro and that is a big deal.

Now as far as sound quality these things sound really good i love apple's new sound signature and what they have done it doesn't have as low bass as the airpod pros because it's not a sealed design but for mid bass they actually play about three decibels louder which is twice as loud while the mid-range is a little bit toned down and then on the high end the treble is also quite a bit louder and the ultra highs are toned down once again which gives it a more natural sound and after over a month of use i have to say that these are my favorite airpods in terms of sound quality apple's new drivers sound fantastic and i really hope they release pros that use the same technology because the sound makes me pick these up and use them instead of the airpod pros i also love the apple integrated magnets into this case so i just walk up to a mac safe charging puck and it will magnetize so i had one in the car i have one at my desk here and at home and it's just super convenient to be able to just attach it now i do know that the new airpod pros also have it if you get a newer build mine does not have that so it is one additional convenience feature.

Now probably the biggest issue with these it's not an issue but it's the downside is the lack of active noise cancellation now over the last month I've been doing a ton of stuff that requires this so it hasn't been that big of a deal but for certain cases where for example I'm vacuuming or I'm riding my lawnmower or mowing that is one time where I do want to pull out my AirPods pro but other than that if I'm using them normally and a lot of times I like using just one earbud inside my ear these work a lot better for that and of course you have the benefit of the better audio quality so it's kind of up to you how often you are going to use active noise cancellation and something very nice to have if you're in a lot of noisy environments that's probably the biggest selling point that you still have to buy one of these AirPods pros has been around for a couple of years.

Now if you're somebody that spends a lot of time talking on the phone for example phone calls or anything else the microphones in here is really good. They're basically the same identical mics as the airpods pros which are class leading so people can't even tell that you're using a pair of earbuds it sounds just like you're actually holding up your phone so there's not much to say there other than it works really well so overall after a month of use i have found that i really enjoyed the airpods 3 i like the smaller case i like the better battery life i like the sound quality of it the sound signature that sounds more natural you have more sound stage or distinction also between different instruments overall this is the better product now that they actually cut the price down to 150 bucks from the original 180 which was a little bit too high even though they already dropped it from 200 with the airpods to the wireless charging case i think this is a really good buy unless you need active noise cancellation and for those of you guys out there that do want active noise cancellation i would just say wait for the air pods pro 2 because they're going to get all the same improvements as these maybe even better sound quality so personally i'm very excited for those to come out and after a month basically what i found is that these are much better earbuds than what people gave them credit for when they came out because not only is it just you know a new design and basically the same thing like some people were saying.