AMD (Advanced Micro Devices ) Story . Company history Series

 Introduction to A.m.d. : 

AMD (Advanced Micro Devices) is one of the best chipset maker in the world . AMD makes the processor and graphics card their processor series is knows as Ryzen  and their Gpu (Graphics processing unit ) series was known as Radeon . currently their latest cpu (central processing unit ) is Amd Ryzen 5000 series and their latest Gpu is Amd Radeon rx 6900xt . 

Brefi story of AMD :

The company was started in 1969 and at that time the company doesn't make their own CPU they make CPU for other companies . They doesn't have their own CPU . But later the company was growing and in 1980s AMD's contract with Intel and IBM . This contract happen because of at that time Intel doesn't have the capability to produce chipset in large amount and demand of IBM computer was increasing day by day so they have singed a contract with AMD (Advanced Micro Devices ) .Then AMD  started making clone of intel's 8086 . It was a lisenced clone which IBM use in their system . Then the AMD started selling their CPUs to other companies  . AMD has now made another clone of intel's CPU 80286  and they named the CPU Am286 which is a 32 bit CPU but the speciality of this CPU is it's clock speed is more than intel's CPU . They are cloning but they are making better . 

In 1985 Intel has launched their new CPU named as 80386 and again Amd has cloned it and launched their CPU name as Am386. Best thing about AMD cloning is that they are offering better frequency than Intel .But that time Intel sued AMD in court but the case was win by Amd . 

Again in 1998 Amd has made another clone of Intel's CPU named as 80486 and AMD named it as Am486 .  And this as the final clone of Intel's CPU .  Because the agreement of AMD and Intel is now over . 

Now Amd has started giving L1 cache in their processor so that performance of their CPU will increase . But that time Intel's Pentium Series has entered in market because of this AMD'S CPU sale not growing . Then they have launched their k5 CPU against Pentium but doesn't perform well against Pentium . Then they made processor on the same artecture and improved the performance and the processor was performing equivalent to Intel's Pentium .

In 1999 AMD launched their Athlon Series . And it was touching frequency of 1 ghz . In 2003 AMD has launched world's first 64 bit processor named as AMD Athlon 64 . And in 2004 AMD has made 90nm version of 64 bit processor and launched another version of Athlon on 65 nm . In 2005 AMD started making dual core CPU and AMD's first dual core CPU was Athlon x2 .

In 2008 AMD launched their phenom series and it was a quad core processor  . In 2011 AMD launched their APU (APU means the processor has integrated Gpu ) and Amd  named it as AMD fusion but the it's integrated Gpu was not so power full . At that time the AMD was also improving there artecture as well . Some name of that time artecture is Bulldozer , Bobcat artecture . But that time Amd faces many losses because at that time Intel was performing much better than AMD . Between 2011 to 2015 AMD was facing many losses . 

But 8 Oct 2014 Lisa su become the CEO of AMD . Now under her guidence AMD has started working on their famous Zen artecture . And finally in 2 March 2017 AMD launched their Ryzen series . After that Amd processed in many fields . Currently Ryzen 5000 series beat Intel I series in every aspect .

Thanks for reading 

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